Personally, I love baking! It calms and rejuvinates me just as much as it would stress another individual out! I love expermenting with different recipes, and tweaking them to my own liking! Aside all the sweetness and joy from sinking your teeth into a freshy baked batch of cookies, I really feel like a chemist when I'm experimenting with baking, and I think that science aspect of it is something my heart really craves for. I love the Food Network television show "Chef at Large", and I always try to use the flavours around me to inspire my baking, without a recipe sometimes (which usually ends up being a disaster). But I love his philosophy on cooking food, as long as it's full of complimenting flavours, your own creativity and most importantly kept simple, it will be great! Here is a woman who entices me with her creativity in baking, and you'd almost think she represents it as art! Josie Bancheri of Juicy Desserts!
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