Thinking of ordering a customized drink at Starbucks, but not sure where to begin? Most tall and short espresso-based drinks come with one shot of espresso, thinking of adding another one? Call it a "Double Tall". Tall hot drinks usually come with three pumps of syrup, depending on the beverage. If you want additional syrup pumps, let your barista know that while you are ordering your beverage. Perhaps you'd like to substitute the two-percent milk in your latte for non-fat, soy, lactose-free, or whole? Also, you can customize your drink by requesting extra foam, extra sweet, or for your drink to be extra hot. Lastly, make sure you clearly state which beverage it is that you want, eg. Latte, Cappuccino, Americano, etc. Now when you order that double tall, extra syrup pump vanilla, non-fat, extra foamy latte, you'll impress the barista with your organized beverage order!
If you want additional information on drinks at Starbucks, here's a handy website that explains how each drink is made, and what goes into them! http://www.quicksilverweb.net/sbucks/sbcharts.htm